
Amada Madre Kwuan Yin , Diosa de La Misericordia y Perdón

YO SOY invocando, tu presencia en mi , en mis seres amados y en la humanidad.

Derrama tu Luz Violeta de Misericordia y Perdón sobre cada rincón del Planeta.

Gracias, Gracias, Gracias

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011


For You...Angels, answer me,
are you near if rain should fall?
Am I to believe  you will rise to calm the storm?
For so great a treasure words will never do.
Surely, if this is, promises are mine to give you.
mine to give...
Here, all too soon the day!
Wish the moon to fall and alter tomorrow.
I should know
heaven has her way
- each one given memories to own.
Angeles, all could be
should you move both earth and sea
Angeles, I could feel
all those dark clouds disappearing...
Even, as I breathe
comes an angel to their keep.
Surely, if this is
promises are mine to give you.
mine to give...

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Si Tu Honras el Universo que Habita en Mí, y Yo Honro el Universo que Habita en Tí, ya no Somos Dos, sino UNO